“Since I joined The Quad, I am 8 years older, but 40% stronger.”

Sivakumar Achanta.webp

Many people amaze us. But only a few continue to amaze. We met this man a few years ago. He was and is a senior but he was 5 years younger then than he is now. He was one of the most disciplined people we'd seen and that was great. He was consistent, punctual, structured, honest, sincere, diligent and all the other good words you can associate with perfection. And then one day, during what we call challenge week, he squatted something that a lot of 25 year olds struggle to pick up. We were super proud of him for squatting 2×24 kg and pressing (overhead) 2×16 kg few years back. And today, older and wiser, he squats 2×28 kg and presses the 2×20 kg! Now why is this awesome? Because, Sivakumar, is 8 years older today but is 40% stronger! And why is this important? Because strength is a big big deal. It is what keeps you alive. It is what helps you lift a bag without hurting you back or your spouse when s/he needs help. It is what keeps your bones strong and keeps osteoporosis at bay. For seniors, strength is even more important. Because we all know that strength, muscle mass and everything else in the human body deteriorates as we age. The best we can do, we're told, is to do light activities like walking, watch what we eat and lead a slow life, which is what most elders call old age. But that's not really the truth. You don't stop moving because you get old. You get old because you stop moving. And Sivakumar has proven that, once again! He is a silent motivator and inspires us every single day we get to work with him. If in a couple of decades from now, we can all be as strong as Sivakumar is today, we've done well. Very very well. Thank you Sivakumar for inspiring us without even realising it. More importantly, thank you for being there with us and for us throughout our journey. We sincerely appreciate your thoughts, words and actions that show how much you care and look forward to many more years of strength and wisdom with you!




"I quit obsessing about my weight and started running and playing. I made fitness a habit, and naturally started looking, feeling and functioning better."



"I'm now living a life that's pain-free, allowing me to run my business like a powerhouse, spend evenings outside with family and friends, and even plan those vacations I've been meaning to take for years!"


Sivakumar Achanta.webp

"Since I joined The Quad, I am 8 years older, but 40% stronger."