Why Sleep is the Secret Weapon in Your Fitness Journey

By Lavanya

Jan 27, 202510 mins read

Why Sleep is the Secret Weapon in Your Fitness Journey

Ask anyone about their fitness journey, top of their list would be their new fitness routine and their fat loss program. Even the ones taking a holistic approach might not think of improving their sleep quality or consider the impact better sleep might have on their weight loss efforts. 

But the fact remains, sleep habits play a crucial role in your physical performance, cognitive and overall health. If you want to make significant improvements to your health, do not underestimate the power of sleep. 

Lack of sleep does unholy things to your body and mind. There is a reason why sleep deprivation is a tried and tested torture technique. Sleep-deprived individuals will not be firing on all cylinders - fact. With less sleep, your reaction time gets affected. You lose cognitive function. Your energy levels drop. Insufficient sleep affects not only your overall performance but also has an effect on body functions such as body repairs, hormones regulation, memory consolidation and brain function.

The science of sleep

Humans need, on an average, a minimum of 7 hours of quality sleep every night. Women need more. Individual needs vary, true, but it is the universal truth that we don't get enough sleep.

Your sleep cycle is split into periods of light sleep, deep sleep and vivid dreaming stages. You need 7 - 9 hours of proper sleep - at least 20% of it in deep sleep - to be at peak performance the following day. 

Your sleep patterns have an impact on your fitness goals - your weight management, muscle growth as well as your mental heath. If weight loss is your goal, then you ought to know that lack of good sleep can result in stubborn weight gain caused due to the stress it puts on your body. 

Importance of sleep - or lack thereof:

Why Sleep is the Secret Weapon in Your Fitness Journey

1. Insufficient sleep can impact insulin sensitivity 

When you get enough sleep, you will also make sound nutrition choices. Whenever I stay up late watching trash TV, I more often than not make questionable food choices. 12.30 am me will be shamelessly rooting through the cupboard looking for a packet of chips, shaking the tin for a spare biscuit my kids have forgotten - you get the idea. Whereas a well-rested me, one who has had a night of quality rest, will be making decisions regarding my health.

2. Inadequate sleep hampers body functions

A body running on 4 hours of sleep will not be having enough time to do vital repair to torn tissues and muscle fibres. Cortisol levels go up. Circadian rhythm is messed up. If you wake up not so refreshed the day after a punishing workout, chances are your body didn't get enough quality time to tackle muscle repair. This will in turn increase your risk of injuries. Studies indicate this will have a knock-on effect on metabolic functions of the body and result in obesity

3. Poor sleep affects cognitive function

If you have ever had drastic jet lag after travelling multiple time zones and your body doesn't know what it should be doing then, you will be familiar with this feeling: like wading through molasses, feeling like everything has slowed down and being unable to understand and process conversations at your normal speed. Lack of adequate sleep results in slower reaction times, drastically reduced problem-solving skills and severely impaired judgement. 

4. Hormonal imbalance

Sleep plays a vital role in your body's hormone production and utilisation. With insufficient sleep, your body's ability to regulate hormones will get hampered. Your satiety hormones' signals get messed up - ghrelin, the hunger hormone increases, while leptin, the hormone that signals you are full, goes down. The result of this on your weight loss journey will be sub-optimal, as these hormones are your body's brake systems, ensuring you don't face plant into a vat of unhealthy foods.

It is in your best interests to guard your precious sleep like a dragon protecting its hoard of gold. Night after night of insufficient sleep will only leave you in a very poor state, physically and mentally. 

So what can you do to ensure you enjoy night after night of premium quality shut-eye? 

How to improve your sleep

Why Sleep is the Secret Weapon in Your Fitness Journey

1. Prep your sleep environment

Get blackout curtains if your room has windows facing the east. Have a calming bedtime routine. Banish all gadgets from your room an hour before bed - having a blue light in there is not conducive to a good night's rest. In fact, it is probably best to give a break from screen time well before you hit the sack. 

2. Adopt a consistent sleep schedule 

This is the way to take your body back to the original circadian rhythm. A regular sleep schedule, wherein you go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time every morning, is the best way to align your body with its natural circadian rhythm. What this will do is dial down the stress drastically, providing your body and mind with a degree of predictability that will only mean good things for yourself. 

3. Avoid stimulants

Caffeine, alcohol, heavy fatty foods - these are all foods that will not only hamper your weight loss goals, they will also prevent you from falling asleep at a sensible time. Your fitness journey demands a certain level of discipline!

4. How about some relaxation? 

Pranayama, diaphragmatic breathing techniques, tai chi, gentle yoga, meditation - these are all time-honoured methods of calming your body and mind. By spending a few minutes towards the latter part of the evening on them, you will signal to your body that you are winding down for the day. This will help prepare your body for rest. If not these, take a warm bath with a handful of epsom salts mixed in with your bath water - the magnesium will calm your body and aid good sleep.

If you have been eating right and training with your fitness coach but are yet to see any results, the missing ingredient could be something as basic - but as crucial - as sleep. Pay attention to how much you are getting and work on ways to improve it. Prioritise a good night's sleep over anything else. Your physical health and your mental health will thank you. 

Need help in starting your fitness journey? Get in touch with us to take the next step!