The Quad's Evolution: From Bootcamp to Custom Fitness Training

By Lavanya

Oct 31, 20232 mins read

The Quad's Evolution: From Bootcamp to Custom Fitness Training

What’s new? What’s changed? What has remained the same?

Let’s do a deep dive behind the scenes!

The Quad's Evolution: From Bootcamp to Custom Fitness Training

What will now and forever remain the same is The Quad’s dedication to its community. Our main job is to show up for them, so they can trust us and show up for themselves. To make our trainees - beginners and pros alike - fall in love with fitness, just like each of us did.

To help make fitness a big part of their lives. Because we believe that training your body is for life - not for 3 hours per week. So we are determined to help everyone that walks through our doors become healthier and fitter for life.

So, what has changed?

We will be called the Quad Bootcamp no more. Bootcamp comes with certain associations towards intensity and brute strength that, while attractive to some, may not appeal to all. Many, we have come to understand, fear that ‘bootcamp’ is akin to an army training or the kind of extreme workout that has you crawling in the mud under barbed wire or pulling a truck across the finish line.

The training at the Quad is much more simple. And nuanced. We follow a plan for the year, broken down into quarter-wise programming. In the harsh summer months, for example, we don’t do crazy running or major endurance-based training. Instead, we work on strength, in short spurts with plenty of rest, so no one overheats and feels fatigued. In the cooler months, we spend a longer duration warming up and do agility drills and KB swings for time.

But this isn’t all we do.We now train more than 1,000 clients from across the globe, in-person and in virtual settings.

Though we run group classes, we have a high ratio of coaches to students. If you don’t want to follow the main class because your goals are different to that of the program for the quarter or because you are recovering from an injury, or just because you are having an off day, one of our coaches will happily guide you through a separate session. You can even take time to stop and heckle the sprinters as they race to the finish!

Even if this is your very first day of lifting a kettlebell, we will meet your needs and help you achieve your goals.

At The Quad, we do not believe in a one-size-fits-all approach. Our group classes provide you with a sense of community, an added “oomph” to your training routine, a wonderful feeling of “we are all in this together”. But even in that group, we will ensure that every individual trainee’s goals and needs are taken care of.

That is the Quad promise.